Tuesday, October 2, 2007

My First Entry

Oh Yippee! Here's my first entry to our family blog. This is so fun and I am so glad that Brian got bored one night and set this up for us. :0)

WOW, what a week it has been. I am happy to say that for the first time in a week, I finally feel myself today. I have this reputation at work as being the "perky girl." And today, I was finally able to be my feisty perky self. :) I have to say that I would have suffered so much more if I didn't have such a wonderful husband. He actually took off his entire week of work to take care of me. He was amazing, taking care of the kids, getting them off to school, doing homework with them, getting me whatever I wanted to eat, keeping the house straightened up so I didn't go crazy, and the list goes on and on. OH, and he also found some time in there to volunteer at the school each day, helping both Brett and Loren's classes. What a guy! I mean how many dad's do you know that are one of the school's Room Parents, spend on average 2 or more hours a week volunteering with grading papers, collating, sorting fundraisers, and planning parties at school, and he also is an Assistant Leader on Brett's Boy Scout Troop? He's always been a very hands on, involved parent and I absolutely LOVE HIM for that. He's a great Dad! As the Parent Involvement Coordinator at Harvest Christian School I can tell you that not a ton of dad's take the time to volunteer. We are blessed with many parent volunteers and quite a few that are dads. But only 2 (Brian being one of them) have braved the Room Parent Title (the other one is Brian's Bible study leader). :) The teachers just love him being there to help them out. If I wasn't coordinating all of these volunteers I'd feel really bad that I wasn't there to help out myself. We both feel so strongly that the more you are involved in your child's life the better. Our Principal told all of our volunteers this year that there was a study done that showed that kids whose parents volunteered at school were more comfortable at school than those whose parents did not. I thought that was so interesting. Because after all, we want our children to have fun and succeed in what they do, and it's hard to do that when you aren't comfortable. :)

So, I guess I'll end this blog entry with a little message from THE GREATEST BOOK EVER WRITTEN: THE BIBLE. What an awesome gift that God gave us with this instruction book for life! Every time I read it, I learn something new. I'm constantly growing and becoming a Woman and a Wife After God's Own Heart. If you want to learn more about God and His never changing love for you visit http://www.harvest.org/. Have you ever thought, "Why can't I have this?" or "Why can't I do that?" or "I don't have enough time to do everything set out for me today." I, like everyone else have found myself wondering this many times in my life. Sometimes wondering why God won't provide me with something that I'm wanting in my life. It could be a friendship, a career move, better communication with a loved one, a nice vacation with my husband, or more hours in the day to complete that never ending to do list. I have learned in the past 3 years, as my walk with the Lord has grown, that I have to stop the "What about me?" way of thinking. After all, it's not about us. It is about what God wants us to do for His glory. How does God want to use me today? should be the question we ask ourselves every morning. I love what Jesus says in this verse. Jesus is speaking to his disciples and his followers. They are addressing their concerns with daily life. Jesus tells his disciples and followers first not to worry but instead: "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." Matthew 6:33

Words to live by. Love it! Have a blessed night!

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