Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The pictures below are from this past May when Brett and I went on an overnight deep sea fishing trip. I am having to skip a few months for the time being because I am having trouble adding pictures that were taken on Melinda's new camera. Anyway I wanted to get as much as possible on the blog then I will go back and try to add the other photos.

Here is Brett looking for the "BIG ONE" He looks a little tired since this was taken pretty early in the morning

Here is Brett's first catch of the trip. It was a pretty good sized rockfish. Brett was a little freaked out at first. Rock fish live on the ocean floor and don't do well near the surface. This picture doesn't show it real well but the eyes are popped out and the swim bladder is protruding from its mouth. Looks pretty weird. As a true boy Brett thought it was pretty cool after he figured out what it was.
Here we are. It looks like Brett's fish is bigger than mine but that is just because of the camera angle. Just kidding. I will confess, Brett out fished me and had the bigger fish. We had a lot of fun.
Here you'll see our full catch (I caught 4 barracuda also but we didn't have them cut into filets) None of the fish are huge but they are all decent.

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