Friday, September 21, 2007

Happy Birthday Sweetie!

I have to declare publically that I am the luckiest man on the earth. Why you ask. Well let me tell you. I have the greatest wife any man can ask for. You are hard working, intelligent, beautiful, caring, loving and whole heartedly devoted to the well being of our family. More than any of the things I have listed above you love the Lord. You have blessed me with two wonderful children and you are the greatest mother to them that I could ever ask for. I love you for all that you are and all that you strive to be. As we approach our 10th anniversary I can honestly say that I love you more now than I did ten years ago. With that said I want to wish you happy birthday.

Your Loving Husband,


1 comment:

Michelle Goodale said...

Happy Birthday Melinda. I hope you have a great day!