Wednesday, September 26, 2007

ER here we come

Hello to all. The last couple of days have been taxing on all four of us, but significantly more so on Melinda. She got up yesterday morning and got off to work without any problems. I happened to be on campus about 2 hours later when I saw her come out of the restroom holding her stomach and crying in pain. We took a QUICK drive to the doctor for what we thought was a good old bladder infection. We were wrong. She had aquired a full blown UTI. Weird how it came on so quickly. Doctor prescribed antibiotics and pain medicine for her. Having complete confidence(HAHA) in our medical system we thought for sure she would feel better after taking her medicine, getting some rest and flushing out her system. Well after having to call the doctor late last night for something stronger for pain, popping vicodin every 2-3 hours through the night and sleeping most of today, we realized our dreams of effective medical treatment had been smashed and we found ourselves headed to the ER. The pain had gotten worse and she had added on some more icky symptoms. We just got home from that adventure with the same diagnosis just much more severe. She has a new antibiotic, new pain medicine and orders to take another day off of work. I have to admit, I like the fact that I have also taken off the last two days. I just wish it was to do something fun, not watch my lovely wife agonize in pain. She is being a trooper through it all. At this point I think she is equally tired of the pain as she is from lack of sleep. Please keep her in your prayers. Hope all is well with everybody out there.

1 comment:

Goodale Family said...

I'm sorry to hear that you're sick. E.R. visits are a blast, eh?! Stay away from E.R.s, especially if they're in Japan! :-)